Request Payload

This sub-page helps the integrator to understand various different types of request payload based on the individual task or combination of tasks in that sequence that integrator wants to do.

Request Payload for Individual Task

    "pipelineTasks": [
            "taskType": "asr",
            "config": {
                "language": {
                    "sourceLanguage": "xx"
                "serviceId": "xxxxx--ssssss-d-ddd--dddd",
                "audioFormat": "wav",
                "samplingRate": 16000
    "inputData": {
        "input": [
                "source": null
        "audio": [
                "audioContent": "{{generated_base64_content}}"

This response contains 2 major parameters listed below and detailed further down the section:

  1. pipelineTasks

  2. inputData

Parameter: pipelineTasks

Type: Array This parameter takes an array of tasks, in the form of dictionary of taskType and config, that are to be done by the integrator. In the above example, pipelineTasks takes only one dictionary (line 3-13) because integrator wants to do only ASR. taskType parameter takes String that takes the value asr

config parameter takes a Dictionary that contains following parameters:

For ASR, language parameter only takes sourceLanguage which accepts ISO-639 Series Code of the language.

Parameters other than taskType, serviceId and config are optional.

Parameter: inputData

inputData Parameter takes the actual input from the integrator on which the individual task has to be done. It can take the input either via input parameter or audio parameter depending on the task to be done. Since ASR is done on audio input data, for ASR,

  • input parameter is optional, of no use for ASR but

  • audio parameter is mandatory.

audio parameter takes audioContent parameter which accepts base64 String of the actual audio captured.

If audioFormat or/and samplingRate parameter is/are sent, integrator should make sure that these values correspond to the actual recorded audio.

Request Payload for Combination of Tasks in specific sequence

    "pipelineTasks": [
            "taskType": "asr",
            "config": {
                "language": {
                    "sourceLanguage": "xx"
                "serviceId": "xxxxx--ssssss-d-ddd--dddd",
                "audioFormat": "flac",
                "samplingRate": 16000
            "taskType": "translation",
            "config": {
                "language": {
                    "sourceLanguage": "xx",
                    "targetLanguage": "yy"
                "serviceId": "xxxxx--ssssss-d-ddd--mfkds"
    "inputData": {
        "input": [
                "source": null
        "audio": [
                "audioContent": "{{generated_base64_content}}"

Parameter: pipelineTasks

Type: Array This parameter takes an array of tasks, in the form of dictionary of taskType and config, that are to be done by the integrator. In the above example, pipelineTasks takes two dictionaries:

  • Line 3 to 13 i.e., ASR Dictionary

  • Line 14 to 23 i.e., Translation Dictionary

because integrator wants to do ASR of the input voice followed by Translation of the digital text.

Line Number 7 and Line Number 18 are connected with below understanding. Consider a use-case described below:

Integrator wants to speak in say Hindi language and wants to see the translated output in Marathi. For this to happen, integrator has to:

  • Convert the Audio integrator has spoken to digital text i.e., ASR of Hindi

  • Translate this digital Hindi text to Marathi digital text i.e., Translation from Hindi to Marathi

Therefore, the language code for ASR that is to be inserted in Line 7, shall be hi, i.e., ISO 639 series code for Hindi. Once this Hindi digital text is generated, the same shall be translated to Marathi, therefore the source language code for Translation that is to be inserted in Line 18, shall also be hi, which means that language code in Line 7 and Line 18 shall be same.

For Target Language the code to be inserted in Line 19 shall be mr, i.e., ISO 639 series code for Marathi.

Understanding of all other parameters remains same as described above in Request Payload for Individual Task.

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